The whoa continues. Today was even more intense than yesterday, starting at 8:30 AM to sunset. Up to noon, we felt like Indiana Jones. Around 3 PM we felt like melted jolly ranchers. Around 6 PM we felt like fish that had been left out for too long.

At night we actually met up with an acquaintance. My sister-in-law’s former co-worker is Cambodian, and her family is from Siem Reap. They’ve operated a restaurant for over 20 years and her brother, who also used to work with my sister-in-law, recently moved back and was working at the restaurant. We had a great meal at Arun Restaurant and Guesthouse and had a nice conversation with Bosa.


Ta Prohm, aka the “Tomb Raider” temple


Squished by history



Walking around Angkor makes Cindy hungry IMG_20151210_144830 IMG_20151210_144145 IMG_20151210_142413 IMG_20151210_141134 IMG_20151210_132725 IMG_20151210_132354 IMG_20151210_114832 IMG_20151210_114658 IMG_20151210_113723 IMG_20151210_110324 IMG_20151210_105650 IMG_20151210_105154 IMG_20151210_094215 IMG_20151210_094119 IMG_20151210_093715 IMG_20151210_093308 IMG_20151210_092634 IMG_20151210_092217 IMG_20151210_195042

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