Cooling off


When we were planning this trip, the only weather related concern I had in mind was that I did not want to be in Southeast Asia during the summer. I detest super hot and super wet weather, and this area holds the title of hottest and wettest. Coming in December, I thought, would be the best idea. I was mostly right.

The mainland of Southeast Asia is drier and cooler during the winter (relatively speaking, of course). The southern peninsulas, however, like Malaysia, have a slightly different climate. There is still a typhoon season occurring right now in Malaysia, while the monsoons have ceased just a few hundred kilometers north. This means that the weather is still a bit hot and damp, much to my dismay.

North of Kuala Lumpur is an area called the Cameron Highlands. It’s green, lush, and very high. That means it’s also very cool, like 15 degrees cooler Farenheit. It’s also home to some nice hiking and tea plantations. Sounds like a place visiting regardless of weather. The weather just makes it all the more appealing.

Reaching the Cameron Highlands was simple enough.It’s about a four hour bus ride from KL (above photo of Cindy). The last half of it was switchbacking up a series of windy, twisty roads. The woman sitting behind us in the bus became sick and wretched in our ears a few times. On the way, we saw the mountains, and the jungle, and the tea plantations. Everything was as advertised.

We checked into our hostel and headed out for some dinner. The nearest hawker stalls seemed to be well attended, so we pulled up a seat and ordered some roti and satay.


Yeah, this was $1

Yeah, this was $1

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