Getting ready to say Aloha to China 5


As we prepare to embark on our final stop in China – I am amazed at our journey thus far.  It’s been incredible to be liberated from the life of a cubicle dweller and just work on my own terms and my own time.  We’ve seen so many awesome and incredible things that never in a million years did I think I would see.  I mean four years ago Abi and Jonathan came to spend Christmas with us in Honolulu and showed us this you tube video of a crazy hike in China, and I remember saying, “that looks like fun!”  It never crossed my mind that four years later I’d be on said mountain.

China will be the country we will spend the most time in.  Besides being a big country, it’s where Richard’s family is.  I hope that when we make it to Mexico, we can spend the same amount of time there.  I have plans to meet up with Imelda and Austin and Cara along the way.  I can’t recall if I told the husband or not….Richard can finally meet some of my 90 something first cousins and some of my 16 aunts and uncles.  Unlike the Chinese, Mexicans don’t have different names for aunts and uncles depending on hierarchy.  It’s a simple tio and tia and prima and primo for cousin.  First cousins are referred to as primos hermanos, literally cousin sister/brother.  Their children are considered my nieces and nephews.  I have one living grandparent.  Between July and August my paternal grandmother passed away and my maternal grandfather passed away.  I would like for Richard to meet my maternal grandmother.  I wish he could have met my grandfather, Ramiro.  He would have liked him.  I miss them.  Anyway, I digress.

China is an amazing place.  It’s a fast changing country that’s trying to find its footing.  Some other random observations:

  • When climbing Hua Shan I saw women in heels, boots, skirts and shorts. Actually, any sightseeing we’d go to, you’d always find very well put together Chinese tourists.  Made me feel a bit like a slob – with my frumpy oversized shirt and pants while we hiked and walked around.  I don’t think the craze of yoga pants has made it here.
  • We saw a man in a suit climbing Hua Shan.
  • Nylons are an accessory worn like tights.
  • When I was with Marine on Hua Shan, I got more request for photos and selfies than when I am with Richard…not sure if it’s because Richard is with me or if Marine is just really cute and everyone wanted a picture with her.
  • High-speed rail is where it’s at. It may be my new favorite form of transportation.
  • I need to learn some Mandarin. You can get by without speaking it…but I need to learn it.
  • China has most of the modern conveniences the United States has.
  • I did not see much homelessness here…I was very surprised. How can a country with a billion plus people not have high homelessness?  I did see a few, but not nearly the same amount I saw while living in Seattle and Honolulu or even the increasing amount of homelessness back home in Yakima.
  • There’s not much begging for money. A few beggars here and there.
  • Everyone is hustling.

When I think of China, I’ll think of the hustle and bustle of the cities, the kindness of Richard’s family towards me and the peaceful moments we had while exploring the historical sights and taking in all that history.  I am incredibly happy we’ve taken this journey.  I won’t say it was a difficult decision because it was something we both wanted to do and we were both ready for something a little different.  We miss our family and friends and are glad you can join us on our journey via this blog.

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5 thoughts on “Getting ready to say Aloha to China

  • Ausmelda Vazquez-Bean

    See you in Mexico for sure! Can’t wait! Actually literally we could not wait and we’re going to Yucatan in January ha ha. But I’m sure Yucatan is so awesome we will come back if that is where you want to meet us!

      • Imelda

        Are you going to Spain? You should. Whether we like it or not they are our people too. Our ancestors that reached Mexico were probably rapist assholes but I bet we have Spaniards in our ancestry that were nice and smart since we are nice and smart. I did a DNA test a while ago and I got something like 35% European mostly from Spain but also from (of all places) Hungary and honestly lately I have been reconciling myself with the idea that Spaniards are my people too ;). I do not know how you feel about it. I say we should embrace the fact that Mexicans are a mix and mixes are cool. Perhaps I am just saying that because when I did the test I got northern and southern African as well as Ashkenazi Jewish in my results 😛 But doesn’t it sound cool that we are basically citizens or the world? Perhaps that’s why we like traveling so much ;)…la sangre llama o algo asi jaja.

  • Abiagil

    Miss you both! So happy that you climbed the mountain of destiny! Jonathan is extremely jealous. We are off to Mexico in February….Akumal near the Tulum pyramids.