Lazy beach day


We have one full day in Langkawi, and we decided to use it to… do nothing. We walked down to the big beach, rented a couple of beach chairs, and just sat there for the better part of the day. The big beach is more active than our old people’s beach. There are scores of vendors renting everything from banana boats, to jet skis, to paragliding adventures, to helicopter tours. There was also a big Hollywood-like sign on the hill that said “LANGKAWI.” Beautiful beach, with an overly busy ambience.

After lunch, we headed back to the hostel to clean up and cool off before returning to the old people’s beach for another sunset and beer. I wanted crab for dinner, because we’re on an island and it’s cheap. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough cash (leaving next day, trying not to horde cash) and the nearest ATM was nearly a kilometer down the road. We settled for shrimp and went to bed early.

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